Please contact me if you will wish to buy premanufactured belt fitting Piper Infinity.
Currently, you could make a belt yourself. Few options for the belt:
– Stainless Steel Shim Stock 0.002 inches thick. For 250mm wide use 252mm wide 1270mm (50-inch) long shim stock. To adhere printed part you may use regular blue painters tape. It may be used with or without
– 5 mil (0.005 inches) Polyester film. Polyester or PET is a good alternative to PEI and may be used to adhere printing part. Cut 252mmx1270mm (50 inches) stripe for the belt. It may be used with or without a heated bed.
Both methods will improve printing quality if a flexible magnetic film/sheet is glued to one side of the belt. The magnetic sheet will require 2 additional things:
– Steel bed surface. So the magnetic sheet will attract to the bed.
– Friction reducer on top of the steel. So the magnetic sheet will be able to slide on the bed. I have used painters blue tape, but other slippery materials like